Hello Baobab. I did not know okra comes from Africa. I only knew it as a southern U.S. item. It is so neat how food, people, and language travel the world and intermingle.

Also, do we know if that impressive standard gauge railroad for East Africa is going to be elevated throughout? I am thinking about the terrible flooding affecting Kenya and Tanzania now and an elevated train throughout may not be a bad idea! As an aside, elevated train systems (trains on stilts) are a common feature in Chicago, Illinois, and locals call it the "el" train for "elevated"--so definitely a thing!

Thank you, as always, for curating the neat and quality photographs from African cities, people, and around the continent. That is my first eyeball view of Dakar, despite having heard the name regularly.

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Isn't it fascinating how okra has made its way across the globe? It's like a culinary ambassador, bridging cultures and continents through its unique flavour and texture.

Regarding the standard gauge railroad in East Africa, that's an excellent question. While the current plans don't include elevating the entire route, your suggestion about protecting the tracks from flooding is spot-on. Perhaps we should put you in charge of the project! πŸ˜‚

We're thrilled to hear that you appreciate the photographs we curate. We actually haven't been either, but it's on our bucket list!

Thank you again for your thoughtful comments and for being a part of our community!

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